Journal of hazardous materials 322 2017 551556 553 on polarizationdataforawholebatchcycle,whichendedwhenthe cell voltage decreased to free phthalocyanines, porphyrins and various dyes. Schematic experimental setup of microreactor under n2 gas pressure. Journal of hazardous materials 192 2011 880886 table 2 effect of alcl3 and taurine on activities of some hepatic antioxidant and chemoprotective enzymes. Treatment dosekg gpx activity a,b nmolmgmin gst activitya,b nmolmgmin. Quintelas journal of hazardous materials 274 2014 287299 2. Source, characteristics, and toxicity of oily sludge 2. Inob,thematerialsareplacedina steel pan and ignited. Papers that deal with ways of assessing the impact and mitigating the risks of hazardous materials hm are within the scope of the journal. The preferential use of these readily assimilated compounds was accomplished by nitrogen catabolite repression, which is primarily regulated at the transcriptional level 16. Journal of hazardous materials 325 2017 90100 91 agfe 3o 4 nanocomposite was observed up to ten cycles during the photocatalytic degradation of these. Aquaculture production has nearly tripled in the last two decades, bringing with it a significant increase in the use of antibiotics. Journal of hazardous materials 161 2009 614626 615 fig.
Journal of hazardous materials 174 2010 648655 649 through the waste layer, the vadose zone and the granular aquifer below and downgradient from the site. Journal of hazardous materials 244245 20 463471 465 catalytic coated glass samples was calculated from the streaming potentials using. Mining site and disposal facility the radionuclide transport and safety assessment is applied here to a still operating norm waste site located in the north. Journal of hazardous materials 190 2011 432441 433 lization and release of various elements in soil 14,17,18 by 1 the release of native inorganic contents of soil and biochar, 2. Migration, release, fate and environmental impact during their use, disposal and recycling open access. Characterization and management of the solid and hazardous wastes from manufacturing industry. It is important that you have a basic knowledge of how to recognize these chemicals, where they may be found, and what to do, or not do, about hazardous material spills. Oily sludge source both the upstream and downstream operations in petroleum industry can generate a large amount of oily wastes. Rhodotorula glutinis and pseudomonas aeruginosa were the prevailing microorganisms utilizing phenanthrene. Introduction open burning ob and open detonation od are used to dispose of obsolete military munitions, and static. The upstream operation includes the processes of extracting, transporting, and storing. Forpfba,pfpea,pfhxaandpfbs threshold limits proposed for drinking waters were adopted as eqs. Journal of hazardous, toxic, and radioactive waste asce.
Journal of hazardous materials 324 2017 691700 plex sources 17. Journal of hazardous materials vol 391, 5 june 2020. Interactive hazardous materials magazines, online hazardous. Polychloromethanes pcms are typical halogenated vocs, which are hazardous to the ecological environment, due to their strong bioaccumulation potential, acute toxicity, and resistance to degradation. Journal of hazardous materials 229230 2012 170176 table 1 electrokinetic properties and mass balances for arsnhap suspensions at varying ionic strengths ic used in transport tests. This paper presents a new method for increasing rate of recovery. A quantatm 250 scanning electron microscope sem from fei was utilized to obtain images by collecting secondary electrons with. Papers that deal with ways of assessing the impact and mitigating. This authorea document template can be used to prepare documents according to the citation style and authoring guidelines of journal of hazardous materials. Kaushik journal of hazardous materials 169 2009 115 fig. That includes reducing the number of transportation incidents that involve hazardous materials and could potentially harm the public and the environment. However, some bacteria are known to use arsenic in their. Most downloaded journal of hazardous materials articles.
Journal of hazardous materials 254255 20 228235 229 been concentration applied to remediate many organic pollutants, including the gasoline compounds benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, and xylenes. Illustration of the sandpack column model used to evaluate the mobilization of residual oil by microorganisms. Developing programs to accomplish these goals and increase the safety of hazardous material transportation is the responsibility of the fmcsa hazardous materials hm program. View 62 journal toxic and hazardous material in my home. Almost every household and workplace has varying amounts of chemicals that, if spilled or combined, will cause great harm and even death. An overview of chemical additives present in plastics. The journal of hazardous materials is an international journal for publication of original research that can improve our understanding of materials that pose to public health and the environment. Tem image with saed pattern inset of a typical silver nanodendrite prepared at 200mm agno3 aqueous solution.
Proposed degradation of pyrene by mycobacterium sp. Journal of hazardous materials 344 2018 179199 value from waste plastics through optimising recycling andor recovery processes and b their potential risk whenif entering the marine environment, particularly examining the possibility and consequences of fragmentation andor degradation processes. It is, therefore, important to examine the status of hazardous and toxic waste as a waste stream in botswana. Cells of these microorganisms were inoculated in liquid mineral basal medium.
Journal of hazardous, toxic, and radioactive waste asce library. Journal of hazardous materials 323 2017 8498 glossary aaeqsfw, tal eco or aaeqssw,eco annual average environmen quality standard in fresh or salt water gl. Due to so close correlation of the two instruments, and because the tube instrument is the latest technology, further results. Most of these materials were bare tio2 samples in the main polymorphic phases anatase, rutile or brookite or tio2based samples, doped or loaded with transition or rare earth metal species or sensitized with metal and metal free phthalocyanines, porphyrins and various dyes. Catalog of books, journals, and audiovisuals at the national library of medicine. Diana aga editor, journal of hazardous materials university at buffalo the state university of new york, buffalo, new york, united states she obtained her ph. Journal of hazardous materials 217218 2012 3642 fig. Due to the need to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and its potential for.
Diamond journal of hazardous materials 171 2009 11681171 1171 technically suitable for analysis of the targeted elements. Siddiqui journal of hazardous materials 167 2009 728735 729 fig. Aniline was chosen as test molecule because of its hazardous properties, presenting carcinogenicity and toxicity reproductive, developmental, neural and acute to humans and to aquatic organisms. The most downloaded articles from journal of hazardous materials in the last 90 days. Journal of hazardous materials universitas indonesia. Journal of hazardous materials 338 2017 102123 105 ozone layer depletion and antarctic ozone hole formation 32. Hazardous materials henry samueli school of engineering. Guide for authors journal of hazardous materials issn. Journal of hazardous materials 285 2015 581588 as feedstock soil amendments increases the content of soil organic matter som and thus, improves not only their physical and chemical properties, but also the adsorption of pesticides. Climate change and sustainable water resources management. Journal of hazardous materials vol 342, pages 1770 15.
Journal of hazardous materials 189 2011 278285 279 too thin, and the processing temperatures too high for largescale applications. Selfassembled mics array was transferred from the glass slide to the tape. Journal of hazardous materials 323 2017 8498 85 for waterwasbackcalculated,obtainingafreshwatereqsof0. Hazardous materials transported on roadways must carry a department of transportation dot warning label on the package. The journal publishes papers with significant novelty and scientific impact. Vehicles transporting quantities of hazardous materials must have dot placards affixed to all sides of the vehicle. Journal of hazardous materials 225226 2012 5462 55 table 1 physicochemical properties of individual roaddeposited sediment samples. Recent journal of hazardous materials articles elsevier.
Journal of hazardous materials 272 2014 96101 97 table 1 chemical composition of the waste phosphor, wt. Journal of hazardous materials 316 2016 8793 89 fig. Recent advances in technologies for sustainable development. Environmental toxicants and hazardous contaminants. A read is counted each time someone views a publication summary such as the title, abstract, and list of authors, clicks on a figure, or views or downloads the fulltext. Ghosh fortynine infrared spectra 1600 to 400cm1 of rocks, minerals and products of industrial importance have been determined. Journal of hazardous materials 261 20 470490 471 2. Introduction increasing population, consumerism and industrial development have led to an increase in the quantities of hazardous. In this study, a simple while commonly used risk model is adopted and is detailed in section 4. Journal of hazardous materials 227228 2012 5141 7 hazmat transportation publications 1215. Journal of hazardous materials 318 2016 587599 589 plants, hyperaccumulating plant species can concentrate heavy metals such as cu, zn, co, mn, ni, pb from 100 to times 29. Journal of hazardous materials 284 2015 108120 109 1. Journal of hazardous materials 239240 2012 4047 fig.
110 169 502 1020 1441 76 1003 1244 590 1669 217 995 956 1587 569 1046 888 1634 1646 1643 1524 59 1539 1160 1391 607 1451 760 466 617 151 814 153 422 737 1228 937 1033 788 477 912 36 1425 106